Alex Blogs Too

MHO (My Humble Opinion) about everything.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My first feedback on MS Connect

Regular expressions list in the Regular Expression Editor dialog in VS 2008 should be configurable ! What the hell I need a french phone number regular expression for !?!?!

Vote for the feedback "


Service from a very HOT company

Few days ago I've called a certain company ( one of the big media/communication )
providers .

A nice service desk girl answered the call .

- Me :
Hello . I would like to hear some information about the phone line from your company.
Can you please tell me the prices ?

Well , I cannot tell you the prices , but I can write down your phone number and our representative will call you back in an hour

- Me:
Ok , my number is ... #####

- She:
Thank you sir . Now , can you tell me if you're satisfied with the service I gave you ?
- Me (wondering) :

What service !?!?!?! Writing down my number for other representative is a service ?!?!?!
I realize that in your work orders you have that line that says :
"Now darling.. ask the asshole on the phone about the quality of service he got from you"
But hey , use your brain - why the f#$& you ask me about it ? You didn't provide me a service!!

By the way , the representative never got back to me .

I had to call them again after 2 days , and after comparing the price they gave me, with other service provider , I chose the other one .

That's just a little sample . I've suffered a lot in the past from their awful service quality.
Hours of waiting on the phone until someone will pick up ...

Just thought that they got better - and yes they got better .
Now they pick up the phone quickly .

The problem is that the one who picks up can't give you the required service.

To whoever wonder what company is that , it's HOT !!!
(hmm.. that one was in the title )

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Site speed factor for SEO

Google announced that from now on ,
the speed of the site will be an important factor in the page ranking .

So if you want your sites to get up in the web searches in Google , you better
make them load fast.

Though some things are not that clear to me .
For example :

1.If I have a light page (well.. like google search page ) - it will sure load faster than a page loaded with info - like some article . Will the algorithm will take this into account ?

2. My server is located in Israel , and the search is done from US for example .

Sure it will load a little bit slower. How Google will treat this ?

Read all about it here - Using site speed in web search ranking

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Friday, April 02, 2010

Vowels missing in Gmail

Yesterday as I entered to Gmail I've noticed something strange ..

All the vowels were missing :)
Latter saw this post on Gmail blog :

Of course it was a 1 April joke..